
We aim to grow scientists

Our teachers aim to nurture a love for the natural world and excitement for future possibilities in science, as well as providing opportunities for pupils to investigate and respond creatively in their learning. We try to harness their natural excitement and curiosity and inspire them to pursue scientific enquiry, both now and in the future.

Scientific enquiry should create exciting and memorable learning and stimulate interest in science. It builds reasoning and problem solving. Key components: observation, pattern seeking, identifying, classifying and grouping, comparative and fair testing and research. We combine scientific enquiry with acquiring knowledge and working scientifically skills. This enables our pupils to develop a good understanding of science and the world around them.

We plan the curriculum carefully to ensure that children acquire knowledge and skills in a clear sequence, building upon prior learning. Teachers understand where each scientific topic fits in each year and how it fits in across the school, assessing learning carefully so that pupils’ learning progresses well. We use assessment for learning to ensure pupils are on track and to diagnose areas of learning that needs strengthening.

Two key documents set out our curriculum design for science:

  1. Our science progression map shows the key knowledge and skills that our children should acquire each year in a clear sequence of learning that builds across Key Stage 2.
  2. A long-term overview of how we teach science concepts each year and across KS2.

We teach science discreetly each week or as part of a topic that encompasses other subjects, where relevant links help us to deliver learning in a holistic and sustainable way. All science work derives from scientific learning objectives. Occasional science days/weeks provide opportunities for children to immerse themselves in and practise their learning. Scientific trips and visits also play a key part in experiential learning, giving the children opportunities to learn concepts in a scientific setting with specialist equipment and resources.

Science Vision & Principles

Children, staff, parents/carers and governors were involved in the creation of our Science Vision and Principles. Staff are trained to deliver learning in line with these principles and the principles are regularly shared with learners, in order to promote enthusiasm, curiosity and passion for the subject, school-wide.

Please see our vision and principles documents below.

Science Vision Science Principles

Curriculum Plans

Please click on the links below for details of our science curriculum…

#Science Selfie Competition 2023