Physical education provides children with the opportunity to be creative, competitive and active. It not only develops co-operation, teamwork and self-esteem but we are committed to promoting positive attitudes so that our children and families have a healthy, active lifestyle. Exercise also has a positive influence on children’s concentration and achievement across the curriculum.

We provide positive and active experiences to instil a love of sport, aiming to encourage our children to develop a lifelong interest in physical activity. They will improve physical skills, gain confidence and face challenges as individuals, groups and teams. We want our pupils to believe that they can go and achieve something special in a range of sports, both now and in the future.

Two key documents set out our curriculum design for PE:

  1. Our PE progression map shows the key knowledge and skills that our children should acquire each year, with a clear sequence of learning that builds year on year, across Key Stage 2.
  2. A long-term plan of topics and sports for each year group.

Not only do children have access to two PE sessions per week, we try to include physical activities within other subjects, to ensure that our children exercise each day. We also offer a wide range of opportunities to learn and develop in high quality pre-school, lunchtime and after school clubs. These are popular and include a variety of sports that children may not otherwise learn and enjoy.  

Please see our curriculum plans below.