
Please find our staff structure below.
Details of staff vacancies are in the documents section at the bottom of this page.

Head Teacher Mr D Hugill

Deputy Head Mrs J Arundel

Teaching Staff
Year 3: Mrs J Barber & Miss E Edwards
Year 4: Mrs J Arundel & Miss K Breckenridge

Year 5: Miss M Hayes & Miss Coleman
Year 6: Mr N Williams & Mrs R Wright

Learning Support Staff
Mrs Eilledge / Mrs Reale
Mrs Cotton / Mrs Asbury
Mrs Hancock / Mrs Lawton
Mrs Quinn

Bursar Mrs Sellman
Reception Mrs Willdigg

Site Technician
Mr Tunnicliffe

Senior Lunchtime Supervisor
Mrs Downs

Lunchtime Supervisors
Mrs Nicklin, Mrs Harvey, Mr Smith, Mrs Barrow, Mrs Wood & Mrs Bayley

Staff and children work together to ensure playtimes and lunchtimes are enjoyable with opportunities for positive play and social interaction.”


Our Christian Values

Co-operation • Compassion • Respect • Equality • Forgiveness • Peace