English is the cornerstone of the entire curriculum. It is a key component of nearly all lessons and we strive to achieve a high level of English for all. We are keen to expose the children to a creative English curriculum, with good quality language, which will enable them to become more literate and will inspire in them a love of reading, creative writing and purposeful speaking and listening.
We carefully choose high-quality texts and immerse the pupils in vocabulary rich learning environments. This ensures that we meet curriculum expectations and the children make good progress in skills and knowledge.
Our programmes of study for writing at Key Stage 2 come under two headings:
(See St Margaret’s Progression of Skills for further details)
We teach English in daily discrete lessons and work hard to develop pupils’ competence in both these dimensions. In addition, we upskill pupils so that they can plan, evaluate and revise their writing.
Writing down ideas fluently depends on effective transcription: fluent/legible handwriting and quick/accurate spelling through an understanding of phonics, morphology (word structure) and orthography (spelling structure). Effective composition involves forming, articulating and communicating ideas, and then organising them coherently for a reader. This requires clarity, an increasingly wide knowledge of vocabulary and grammar and an awareness of the audience, purpose and context.
We enhance writing by providing opportunities for the children to apply their knowledge and skills in reading and speaking and listening. Teachers purposefully select quality texts, from a range of genres, to promote a love of reading and language, as well as stimulating interest and engagement. These texts contain high-level vocabulary, a range of punctuation, inference and characterisation. We use them as good models to assist the pupils in developing excellent writing.
We expect the children to transfer the skills taught in English lessons into other subjects. This enables consolidation of skills and a deeper understanding of how and when to apply grammar and punctuation.