Our active School Council has members from every class. They discuss a wide range of issues and plans, making a series of informed choices which help to improve our school.
All our children are encouraged to make a difference by taking the initiative to enhance the life of school. Their successes include a range of fundraising activities which have supported many charities, both locally and further afield.
“The school’s charity work locally, nationally and internationally and its involvement in the local community is a key strength. Pupils talk enthusiastically about their involvement in ‘Rota kids’ and how this is giving them opportunities to help those in need.”
SIAMS Inspection June 2016
Rota Kids
RotaKids is an exciting way for children under 12 to develop their self-confidence by taking the lead and engaging in a range of activities that will make a difference; in school, locally and globally.
Our Christian Values
Co-operation • Compassion • Respect • Equality • Forgiveness • Peace