Art, craft and design embodies some of the highest forms of human creativity and provides opportunities for children to explore and appreciate all art forms and express themselves creatively. We believe art and design should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with both the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own artistic pieces of work. They can make references to the work of others whilst comparing with their own.
We want our children to think critically and develop investigating, designing, making and evaluating skills to enhance their understanding of art, design and visual literacy. In addition, we hope to provide our pupils with a foundation to extend their interest in art and design, both beyond school and in the future.
Art and design provides a variety of sensory experiences and opportunities to express ourselves as individuals. It enables children to communicate their thoughts and feelings through colour, texture, form, pattern, materials and construction. It equips pupil with the ability to decode objects and images so they can develop their visual literacy and understand their surroundings.
Pupils also learn how to appreciate art, including the ideas and meanings created by artists and designers as well as how to shape their environment, practically and aesthetically. They will explore the impact of art and design on both our heritage and our contemporary life i.e. how the arts can enrich our lives.
Two key documents set out our curriculum design for Art and Design:
We teach art and design through topics. This is to exploit logical and beneficial links between subjects and create learning in a sustainable and enjoyable way. We also provide opportunities to visit museums and galleries to gain first-hand experience of the work of artists, exploring and creating a range of artwork. Pupils also learn how to appreciate art, including the ideas and meanings created by artists and designers
Please see our curriculum plans below.