Art & Design

Visual and expressive Art, Craft and Design embodies some of the highest forms of human creativity and imagination which provides opportunities for our pupils to explore and appreciate all art forms and express themselves creatively.

We believe art and design should engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with both the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own artistic pieces of work for a range of contexts whilst acquiring a range of subject knowledge taught progressively through the year groups.

Our Art and Design curriculum has been designed to ensure that the pupils of St. Margaret’s Junior school experience an enriching range of exciting and engaging opportunities that draws upon other subject skills such as design and technology, mathematics, computing, religious education and music. Pupils will be provided with the opportunity to experience different areas of making such as drawing, painting, sculpture and textiles with the intention of revisiting each area annually. We teach art and design through these areas of making whilst linking with themes in other subject areas whenever possible. This is to exploit logical and beneficial links between subjects and create learning in a sustainable and enjoyable way. In addition, we hope to provide our pupils with a foundation to extend their interest in art and design beyond school and into the future.

Please find key documents below:

Please see our curriculum plans below.